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Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

HandOut Alat Ukur Listrik

Buat kamu-kamu yang lagi nyari buku atau HandOut Alat Ukur Listrik yang berbahasa Inggris, bisa dapatin disini. Handout ini membahas tentang Listrik dan Alat Ukur (Voltmeter, Basic Meter, Ammeter, Ohmmeter, dan lain-lain). Berikut cuplikannya :)

1. Electrical Quantities
2. Basic Laws in Electricity
3. Basic Electric Circuits

1. Measurement and Instrument
2. Elements of a Measurement System
3. Electronic Instrument
4. Errors in Measurement
5. Static Characteristics of Instrument
6. Statistical Analysis of Error in Measurement

1. Introduction
2. The Meter Movement
3. The DC Ammeters
4. The DC Voltmeter
5. The Ohmmeter
6. The Multimeter

1. Introduction
2. Electrodynamometer
3. Rectifier type instruments
4. Thermo instruments
5. Power meters

1. Introduction
2. Wheatstone Bridge
3. Kelvin Bridge
4. Applications of Wheatstone Bridge

1. Introduction
2. General Form of AC Bridges
3. Some Forms of AC Bridges
4. Applications of AC Bridges

1. Measuring Voltage
2. Measuring Electric Current
3. Measuring Resistance
4. Measuring with a Multimeter

1. Meaning and Function of Oscilloscope
2. Oscilloscope Controls
3. Work Principles of Oscilloscope
4. First Steps Using an Oscilloscope
5. Application of an Oscilloscope

Oke sip
Selamat Mendownload

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