Cute Bow Tie Hearts Blinking Blue and Pink Pointer

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015

My Blood Type

Intelligent?? Gak tau deh tongue emotikon Coba nilai sendiri saja.Nice? Tergantung sih aku nya.Indecisive? Kadang-kadang juga, sih. Kalau lagi yakin2nya sih aku go on ~Unforgiving? Nah ini bisa jadi ya, aku tipikal orang yang "agak" pendendam. *jujur saja*Admirable? Gak tau hahaEmpathic? Sejauh ini, masih dalam kadar "cukup"Introvert? Yaa cukuplah, aku kurang...

Selasa, 16 Juni 2015

FanArt For Nino Birthday

#KazunariNinomiya #Arashi #NinoBirthday #NinoOtanjoubi #Nino #Kazu (credit from weibo...

YUI - Happy Birthday to you you

Special For My Beloved Idol, Kazunari Ninomiya Happy Birthday to you you Happy Birthday to you you anata ni okuru BA-SUDEI SONGU yo?@OK? odorakasete gomen tokubetsu na hi ni aete yokatta rousoku no hi wo keshite kanpai shimasho omedetou! Happy Birthday to you you Happy Birthday to you you Happy Birthday to you you@itsumo arigatou! Happy Birthday...

Jumat, 12 Juni 2015

My Students :)

That is the reason why I wanted to be a teacher. I like children and I love to share my knowledge and happiness with them. Whatever was called, the teacher or tutor, I do not care. For me, the teacher is a person who can share their knowledge useful to others. ...


Liburan? Ya ! Liburan...

Kamis, 11 Juni 2015

Cats and Dogs


Kawai Nino ~~


My Lovely StudentS :)


Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

Yama Sweet !!

#Arashi #OhnoSatoshi #SakuraiSho #YamaPair #Yama #Arashifanart #Arashindo #Arashian #ArashiArt #OhnoArashi #ShoArashi #Fanart #Yamafanart Cr to the own...